The philosophy of the Faculty is to prepare students for responsible and useful lives as educated citizens worthy in character and knowledgeable in the practice of Pharmacy with a flair for excellence. To this end, the educational objectives of the Faculty are: i. To offer students the opportunity to study pharmaceutical sciences & pharmacy practice in various departments; ii. To conduct undergraduate teaching program that will provide a University experience. These courses will achieve a close relationship between university experience and industrial practice and will produce a more immediately useful entrant to pharmaceutical pursuits. Besides, such a program possesses wider educational and social advantages without conflicting with the broader objectives of university education; iii. To conduct research over a wide field and to contribute through research, seminars and symposia to knowledge and application of science to pharmaceutical advancement; iv. To conduct postgraduate and continuing education programs; v. To render relevant services to the community and to collaborate with other institutions of Pharmacy and other Research institutes both within and outside the country.